Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Multitude Monday's (a day late)

Yesterday was a perfect example of what happens when I get all wrapped up in myself instead keeping my focus where it needs to be. Yesterday was Multitude Monday and it wasn't even a blip on my radar - didn't even think about it. I was so focused on being grumpy about being an adult that I completely forgot to be thankful. Not good. So, my goal for today is to find at least 1 thing that I'm thankful for about being an adult.

30) Socks (specifically the kind with fun designs on them)
29) Hope. I am so thankful for hope.
28) Presence of mind to not buy one of everything at Michael's (see point #27)
27) 40% - 50% off all Fall decorations at Michael's
26) Being awake early enough to watch the sunrise. It's so cool that God gives us that gift every morning. It reminds me of the verse, "His mercies are new every morning."
25) My husband, he cleaned the kitchen yesterday. What a man!
24) Down comforter's - there is something SO wonderful about being all snugly toasty in bed
23) Vacation (tomorrow through Friday) yeah!
22) As an adult, I get to love on kids and learn from them.
21) Early morning drives to work by myself. Quiet, peaceful, restful.

Take Care,

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at #28. Michael's can be sooooo dangerous to the checkbook yet sooooo awesome for creative decorating.
