Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Multitude Monday's (a day late)

I've joined the Gratitude Community (I'm still learning how to link things - see the address at the end of the post). What a wonderful challenge and reminder, to have a heart and mindset of gratitude. Isn't there a quote somewhere that states that attitude is 90% of life? I've gone through a great many season's of negativity and "poor-woe-is-me", why would I ever want to live like that? Why would I ever want to willingly make life harder?

My goal is to update my gratitude list every Monday with at least 10 things I'm thankful for.

And so, I'd like to post a challenge to all my blogging friends - join me. Let's focus on all of the good things in life - these things don't have to all be spiritual - just things we're grateful for.

There have been times in my life when the way out of the darkness was imperceptible to me. This happened to me about a year ago in my marriage - I was certain it was over and I did not see a way out. I knew what the Bible said, and I knew what I had been taught but I didn't know how to live those things. I didn't know if God was going to honor His promise to me to provide for me and protect me. Then, He challenged me to focus on what is true and He showed me this verse. I began to recite this verse over and over, and as I did I began to do what the verse instructed and my whole attitude changed. This verse isn't specifically about being thankful, but (I might be treading dangerously close to taking a verse out of context but I don't think so) I think the heart - the intent - of this verse also includes being grateful. Or maybe being grateful is a byproduct of doing as this verse instructs us to do.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

10) Coffee
9) The reminder to be grateful
8) Mechanics, I'd never be able to fix my car
7) Gas grills - makes dinner in a snap
6) Sunset's
5) Today is the first day of fall, oh how I love fall
4) Knowing, really knowing, that Jesus is my Provider
3) Water to drink
2) Life's hard learned lessons, painful to walk through, but so invaluable
1) My Salvation, where would I be without it

As promised, in lieu of a fancy link - here is the website address:

Take Care,

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