Friday, October 23, 2009

Boring Old Blogger

As you may have noticed I'm a boring old blogger. I don't post often. I don't post pictures.

Boring old blogger.

**As a side note, I keep typing "blooger" instead of blogger. To me that is quite funny.**

I have been doing so many projects at home. Lot's of "art's and craft's" so to speak, some no-sew projects and very little organizing.

I've become a regular at Goodwill, Salvation Army, Value Village, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, JoAnn's, Michael's, Lowe's and Home Depot.

I've been taking before, during and after shots. My camera is quite full.

Which reminds me, when my cousin (who is now just shy of 10) was quite younger I was taking pictures of him. He came up and said, "Can I see the pictures?" I said, "They're in the camera buddy." He moved the camera around to see the 'screen' - only problem, at the time I refused to have a digital camera. He didn't understand the concept of film. It was so cute.

Anyway, back to my list of excuses...

My goal the last two weekends has been to get the photo's off my camera and on to my computer so I could do some proper posts - so far I have yet to meet my goal.

A guy I work with has a confirmed case of the swine flu and 4 other people are sick (I'm not sure with what). I'm trying so hard to not get sick. Mind you, I don't care what barnyard animal flu it is, I hate being sick. The last couple of mornings I've had a stuffy nose and that is not alright with me. What really gets me is that I work with adults who don't know how to cover their mouths/noses when they cough and sneeze. What's up with that? Isn't that a required skill to graduate from kindergarten?

Ooo, I just found a picture on my computer that I'll share. I was inspired by this post (Still haven't learned the fancy linking method yet)

Here's my attempt:

At first I didn't like how poofy and full it was - but it has grown on me so much and now I love it. I keep pulling autumn looking weeds and sticking them in there.

Take Care,


Monday, October 19, 2009

Multitude Monday's

This morning I have a verse running through my mind. It was one of the one's my dad always said to me as I was growing up:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Jesus, help me to remember that when life gets tough and the path forward seems scary, bumpy and unclear.

50) Persistence
49) New clothes (my hubby treated me to a bit of a shopping spree this weekend)
48) My glasses, without them the drive into work would have been horrid and I wouldn't have been able to see the basketball game last night
47) Alright, I'll be honest, I'm thankful for my TV
46) Slippers (I have a blister on my toe...)
45) Family and friends who care enough about you to get in your face
44) Lazy weekend's, so needed
43) The Lord's protection
42) The Blazer's won!
41) Free Blazer tickets that include: free parking and free food

Monday, October 12, 2009

Multitude Monday's

Welcome! It's Monday morning. The air is crisp, the tree's are showing off, fall is here!

Here is my list for this week. What is one thing that you're thankful for?

I need to spend more time in prayer - I've only been at the Multitude Monday's thing for 3 weeks now, but it's getting harder to find things I'm thankful for. Seems a bit early in the game so to speak.

40) My relationship with my dad - he's a great guy and we're the best of friends
39) Color's of fall, they are so captivating
38) Washer and Dryer (being without one for 3 years really makes a person appreciate having clean clothes whenever you want them)
37) Living in a free country where worship music and reading the Bible are allowed
36) The Bible
35) Worship Music
34) Popcorn
33) Crisp fall mornings
32) Lazy day's on vacation - the best!
31) Vacation's - had a wonderful time the last 5 days,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Multitude Monday's (a day late)

Yesterday was a perfect example of what happens when I get all wrapped up in myself instead keeping my focus where it needs to be. Yesterday was Multitude Monday and it wasn't even a blip on my radar - didn't even think about it. I was so focused on being grumpy about being an adult that I completely forgot to be thankful. Not good. So, my goal for today is to find at least 1 thing that I'm thankful for about being an adult.

30) Socks (specifically the kind with fun designs on them)
29) Hope. I am so thankful for hope.
28) Presence of mind to not buy one of everything at Michael's (see point #27)
27) 40% - 50% off all Fall decorations at Michael's
26) Being awake early enough to watch the sunrise. It's so cool that God gives us that gift every morning. It reminds me of the verse, "His mercies are new every morning."
25) My husband, he cleaned the kitchen yesterday. What a man!
24) Down comforter's - there is something SO wonderful about being all snugly toasty in bed
23) Vacation (tomorrow through Friday) yeah!
22) As an adult, I get to love on kids and learn from them.
21) Early morning drives to work by myself. Quiet, peaceful, restful.

Take Care,

Monday, October 5, 2009


Alright, I have officially entered the age where adulthood is NO LONGER FUN.

Actually that's not entirely true - I was there a few years ago but I didn't have a blog then so I'll share now.

There are things about adulthood that my mean parents never warned me about. Wait, they're not mean they're awesome. Oh, and they did warn me - I simply didn't feel that I would EVER fall into that category.

Here is my list of "cool" things I looked forward to when I was a kid:
  • Not having an enforced bedtime
  • Not having to follow the rules
  • Not having to go to school
  • Having a job
  • Having my own money (see above item)
  • Getting to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted
  • Not being forced to do chores
  • Not being forced to take naps

Here is reality:

  • Staying up too late only results in tired, cranky people the next day with bags under their eyes. Not pretty.
  • Strangely even though I no longer live under my parents roof I still have rules to follow
  • If I HAD gone to school when I was free to I'd be a nurse right now - making a decent living.
  • Having a job isn't as cool as I thought it was - it means you're supposed to be some where kinda' early in the morning and stay there for kinda' a long time. (However, with that being said, I am so blessed to have a job right now in the current economic situtation that America finds itself in - so I'm not really complaining)
  • Sure, having my own money is great. But I have a problem - where does it all go? Oh, that's right, bills.
  • Getting to eat whatever, whenever - I'm sure it is a great thing - but who's doing the cooking? Oh, thats right, me... :)
  • Not being forced to do chorse. Well, that results in a messy house and a "conversation" between husband and wife about who's turn it is to take out the trash and do the dishes.
  • I don't have a daily nap time any more. Sad.

All in all:

  • I HAD IT GREAT as a kid and I didn't know it - just like mom and dad said
  • Hindsight really is 20/20
  • NAP TIME should be required at work

I suppose I should have prefaced this post with a warning that I'm cranky today and not really wanting to be an adult - but doing so would have been very adult-like of me and I don't want to. So there. And, you're not the boss of me. And all the other childish things I could say... :)

Jenny (the not so grown up)

P.S. Sorry if I offended anyone with the "you're not the boss of me" statement. My brother and I use to say that to eachother all the time and it's become the family joke.

P.S.S. If there are any children reading this post - please, please, PLEASE, listen to your parents about how good you have it now - you really do. I promise. Also, anytime you're given the oportunity to take a nap - DO NOT PASS IT UP. Trust me.

Friday, October 2, 2009


... it's here! In my opinion Friday's can't be ruined. Or, at least, it takes A LOT to ruin a Friday.
Next Wednesday, October 7th, me and the Hubb's are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary. This is honestly a miracle. The first 2 years of our marriage were miserable. But the Lord is FAITHFUL! And I am so thankful!

I feel the need to post a picture or two - liven this place up a bit - I was looking for a wedding picture but I don't seem to have one on this computer. Let me see what I have in my bag of tricks...

Above: Me, Hubb's and the dogs at the beach

Below: Hubb's in his mountain gear, I can't resist this look